For Sale
558 Property ID


When you’re able to build up to a 1,200 sq ft detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on your back yard, you can have several benefits. Here’s just a few potential advantages: Additional Living Space: By building a 1200 sq ft ADU, you can create a separate living unit that can be used for various purposes while maintaining the privacy and independence of the main home. Additionally, this will increased the property value. Adding a detached ADU to your property can potentially increase its overall value. The availability of an additional living space can make your property more appealing to potential buyers or renters, thus potentially boosting its market value and appeal. The flexibility and versatility that a 1200 sq ft ADU offers comes with a significant amount of space, providing flexibility in its use. Designed as a separate, self- contained dwelling with its own kitchen, bathroom, living area, and bedrooms means you’ll have a huge amount of available space fro whatever need might arise. Rental Income from renting out the ADU, that can be up to 1,200 square feet, can generate a substantial amount of additional income. Additional income that can help offset mortgage payments, property taxes, or other expenses. Given the high demand for housing in Southem California, renting out an ADU can be a lucrative venture. Not to mention multigenerational living. In certain situations, building a 1200 sq ft ADU allows for multigenerational living arrangements, where different generations of a family can live together while maintaining separate living spaces. This setup can promote closer family ties, shared resources, and increased support among family


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